--- title: "pGRN: scRNA-Seq Pseudotime Based Gene Regulatory Netowrk Inference" author: "Gangcai Xie" date: "2023-01-03" output: html_document vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{pGRN} %\usepackage[UTF-8]{inputenc} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` ## Loading the example data pGRN package pre-loaded with pGRNDB data with both of expression matrix and pseudotime information. You can simply load this data by calling pGRNDB. ```{r loading data} # loading pGRN package library(pGRN) # loading pre-build data example_data <- pGRNDB names(example_data) expression_matrix <- example_data[["expression"]] pseudotime_list <- example_data[["ptime"]]$PseudoTime ``` ## Call pGRN Currently, two methods "DTW" and "granger" were available for pGRN network construction. ```{r call pGRN} # try DTW method nets_dtw <- pGRN(expression_matrix,pseudotime_list, method= "DTW",quantile_cutoff=50) # try granger method nets_gg <- pGRN(expression_matrix,pseudotime_list, method= "granger") ``` ## plot the network pGRN provides methods for visualize the network either stationary or interactively. ```{r plot network} # plot network stationarily plot_network(nets_dtw[[1]]) plot_network(nets_gg[[1]]) # plot network interactively #plot_network_i(nets_dtw[[1]]) #plot_network_i(nets_gg[[1]]) ```